Ramblings of a Frustrated Vice Principal

Ramblings of a Frustrated Vice Principal

Sex Sells

by John Zinzi on 12/16/10

RE: The great acouSHE / acouCHEE debate.  I must admit, my head was NOT where it might otherwise have been on this one!  My idea of a "cootchie" was more innocently (read: OLD) along the lines of what you say to a baby when you tickle its belly: "Cootchie cootchie coo...".  SILLY ME!!  <<Red-faced duh!>>

Well, for the record, I'm having a great laugh over the whole thing.  The proper pronunciation of the word is indeed the softer "SHE," but for the joke to work it, of course, must be "CHEE."  And it sure will be.  You'll see.  I may not know every sexual euphemism--although I know my share--but I do know funny!



by John Zinzi on 12/08/10

Okay, so it was a little chilly in Possum Hall last night, but the singing--and the move to the green room--warmed things up a bit fairly quickly.  I thought everyone sounded pretty darn good considering we're just crawling our way through much of the music. (Thank you, ever patient Liz!)  Like the Papa John's slogan says: "Better Ingredients, Better Pizza."  Yup, that's us!

Possums Are a Class Act

by John Zinzi on 12/06/10

Yesterday afternoon, my wife (the Lovely Fior) and I were in the audience for Possums' show, A Christmas Story.  What a fun time we had!  And we were once again struck by the quality of the production.  This was a wonderful show for everyone and it just oozed class and professionalism from start to finish.  A terrifically talented cast was magnified to their best by a superb set, convincing and impeccible period costuming, and polished lighting and sound effects.  The full package was there to enjoy--and we most certainly did!!  That's the Possum Effect.  If you haven't seen the show, get yourself there next weekend.  <<END OF COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT>>

Seriously--all the while I was enjoying that show and grinning widely, I was thinking about our own show.  Sure the rehearsal process can be a little ragged sometimes, but fast forward 53 days and imagine how great OUR show is going to look, sound, and feel as the magic switch gets turned on and our Spelling Bee comes to life.  Oh boy!

Facebook "Secret Group"

by John Zinzi on 12/02/10

It's nice to see that some of you are "gathering" in the Spelling Bee "secret group" on Facebook!  I didn't use the word "secret"--Facebook calls it that.  The "secret" refers to a setting I chose in setting up the group which restricts visibility of anything we post there to only members of the group.  As of now there are 18 bona fide members of the group who can read and post comments there and those postings should be showing up in your regular Facebook news feed.

Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to my first rehearsal with everyone!  See you real soon... -JPZ


The Monster Evolves

by John Zinzi on 11/30/10

The "monster" in this case is this website.  I spent a nice chunk of time yesterday adding and tweaking and changing and doing and redoing the pages.

You may have noticed, but if not, check out the REHEARSAL SCHEDULE page.  I've taken the static, dry, monotone printed schedule and added some color and some fun elements to make our countdown a bit more...interesting.  And the schedule page, too, will be ever evolving.

I've also started the PICS & VIDS page where you'll find a chronological record of all photos and videos that I'll be taking throughout our time together.  It'll be even more fun to look back on once the BEE is over.  You'll see!

And before I forget... if you know of any birthdays that I've missed for our calendar, please let me know (johnzinzi@gmail.com).  I include just the cast and crew for this, so while we can all celebrate your great-uncle's birthday if you wish, he's not making the calendar unless he's with the show!

Finally... look out for "Easter Eggs" that may turn up anywhere on the site.  If you spot one, click on it!  --JPZ

Cyber Monday

by John Zinzi on 11/29/10

Yes, the Monday after Thanksgiving--the biggest online shopping day of the year!  And instead of browsing for that special gift for that someone special, here I am updating the website and blogging.  Well, this won't take long and I've got until midnight to break out my plastic and snag me a bargain.  I do have my priorities straight!

You may have noticed that I added the cast & crew info directory to the website, thanks to Director Jim.  The info won't be found by the general public since it's after a password protected page and it does not show up in any search engine.  Another reason to keep our pages just between us, okay?  (Oh, and I included a link to a PDF file of the directory in case you want to download and print it out.)

I want to welcome Suzy Messick and Colby Luzier to our roster as Assistants to Director Jim.  They will be busy folks as they fill in for missing cast and doing a zillion other things that will need to be done as we progress.  Yay...and thanks!

Did you happen to see that on our main page I added pronunciation help to some of the more challenging words used in the Bee? I did some research--even heard them spoken--and this is the way I'll be saying the words.  Take a look and try 'em out!

And finally... a bit of apology to our own Leaf, Jay Collier.  I did a video interview--the show's first--with Jay in the parking lot after the read through yesterday morning only to find that I hadn't clicked my little camera fully in to the "movie" position.  Doh!  I did get a wonderful still pic of Jay, though!  So I snagged Abby on her way out of the building and shot her. Sorry, Jay... yours will be the next "Video of the...moment!"  --JPZ


Read Through!

by John Zinzi on 11/28/10

Okay, so I got home and it was about 12:15p (I live halfway between Milford and Harrington on Rt 14) and I slapped together a turkey sandwich and headed straight for the computer.  Excuse me a minute while I take another bite...

Thanks.  Now listen... I've been in more than a few shows over the past <mumble mumble mumble> years and a couple of things are always true.  At least for me.

First: I am *always* nervous at auditions.  Whether I just *know* that a part was written just for me, or I *know* I haven't got a chance because it just doesn't feel right...especially since so-and-so walked in the room, I get the jitters.  I always tell myself (and anyone sitting near me) that "nerves are good."  That's what I tell myself.

Second: I *always* have a case of butterflies at a read through.   And today was no exception.  Especially especially when I don't know everyone in the cast--and they don't know me.  They're thinking, "Well, this guy actually GOT the part and now I have to work with him for the next two months. OY!"

What we need, folks--and what will happen regardless of what I do here--is some good old fashioned cast bonding!  It's inevitable, naturally.  But my job here is to help the process along as best I can.  Afterall, I am Vice Principal.

So...what were your first impressions of today?  I'll tell you mine:  Wow, that Jim Hartzell sure knows how to cast a show!! :)  My biggest challenge will be to maintain my rather "square" and rather non-humorous demeanor throughout some very, very funny lines.  I tried maintaining that a bit during the read through, and though I was busting inside at many spots because some of my lines--as well as many of yours--are ridiculously funny!  So if you don't see me laughing, press an ear to my paunch and listen closely!  (That's "paunch" not "Panch.")

Well, I've got plenty to do right now.  I shot some video as well as some stills and I'm going to check them out now and put them up somehow.  And I've got the schedule to scan and... well, lots of things I haven't even thought of yet.

You won't see me next week at all.  I'm involved in "A Tuna Christmas" up in Dover and that show opens its three weekend run next Friday night, so tomorrow starts tech week there. (I'm not in the cast, but I've been assisting at rehearsals and I'll be backstage for the run.  If you're familiar with the "Tuna" series you know that the show is built on a small cast making many, many, many quick changes throughout the show and so backstage will be a very busy place.)  But come Monday, December 6, I'm yours for eternity.  Or at least until February!

Alright, two sandwiches inhaled, a couple of squares of stuffing downed, and I'm ready to get creative.  Check back! -JPZ 


A Week Away!

by John Zinzi on 11/21/10

Yup, it's Sunday morning-- T minus 7 days until we convene and come together for the first time as a cast and crew.  And it's already been a couple of weeks since we all got the good news about our participation in the "Bee."  Still excited?  Yup!

While I know some of the cast--I've worked with Abby, Peyton, Leigh, and Jay--I met Annie, Leslie and Hunter for the first time at auditions.  I've yet to even meet Steve.  But I got to thinking about the collective experience of the bunch of us--some I know first hand, and for some their impressive reputation precedes them.  And I'm talking about both the onstage cast and the production staff.  Yikes!  This can only turn out well.  VERY well!

I plan to have my camera with me at the read through--and I'd like to get a picture of everyone individually for use on our website--always loving and kind in a crazy sort of way, mind you.  Perhaps our own little "Who's Who at the Bee" space for a quick recap of our own past theater experiences--the one's we're most proud of, anyway.

And I might ask you to reveal what your most favorite NON theater activity is.  (Ahem--you know what I mean!) Or what fact about yourself that you think the rest of us would be quite surprised to know.  You get the idea.   A little profile--but one not as fluffy or perky as the ones we're used to seeing in the show program.  This'll be just for us here at the website--your secrets are oh so safe with me. ;))  -JPZ

The Director Speaks!

by John Zinzi on 11/16/10

A great big THANK YOU to Director Jim for his pep talk message of today!  He shipped it my way and I was very glad to create a page just for him to use to give us info in his own words.  The FROM THE DIRECTOR'S CHAIR page will be the place that Jim tells us what's on his mind, and I'll be sure to have the info up ASAP.  Be sure to check it out.

That being said... ONLY NINE WEEKS from read-through to opening night?!?!?  Holy Cow!  We'd better be good!  Actually, if you've worked with Director Jim before you know that HE knows exactly what he's doing--and he's super-smart because he's surrounded himself with the best production team around.  While we shouldn't take anything for granted, it is a GREAT feeling to know that Jim, Liz, Mel, Deni and the rest of the team are onboard and all rowing in our direction.  WHEW!  Yup, gang, this one will indeed be a PPP SPECIAL EVENT! -JPZ


by John Zinzi on 11/14/10

Okay.  I realize that it might seem a little...obsessive to include a countdown timer to the second until our read through on the 28th.  Well, I'm just goin' with the feelin', you know?  

I've noticed a couple of "guestbook" entries... that's nice.  I also realize that things here will be fairly slow until we actually begin things after the 28th.  As I've mentioned, pictures and videos are a big part of what happens on this website, so after your first wave of nausea at seeing me with my ever-present camera passes, you'll settle down, get your sea legs, and enjoy the ride, I'm sure!  - JPZ