Read Through! : Ramblings of a Frustrated Vice Principal

Read Through!

by John Zinzi on 11/28/10

Okay, so I got home and it was about 12:15p (I live halfway between Milford and Harrington on Rt 14) and I slapped together a turkey sandwich and headed straight for the computer.  Excuse me a minute while I take another bite...

Thanks.  Now listen... I've been in more than a few shows over the past <mumble mumble mumble> years and a couple of things are always true.  At least for me.

First: I am *always* nervous at auditions.  Whether I just *know* that a part was written just for me, or I *know* I haven't got a chance because it just doesn't feel right...especially since so-and-so walked in the room, I get the jitters.  I always tell myself (and anyone sitting near me) that "nerves are good."  That's what I tell myself.

Second: I *always* have a case of butterflies at a read through.   And today was no exception.  Especially especially when I don't know everyone in the cast--and they don't know me.  They're thinking, "Well, this guy actually GOT the part and now I have to work with him for the next two months. OY!"

What we need, folks--and what will happen regardless of what I do here--is some good old fashioned cast bonding!  It's inevitable, naturally.  But my job here is to help the process along as best I can.  Afterall, I am Vice Principal.

So...what were your first impressions of today?  I'll tell you mine:  Wow, that Jim Hartzell sure knows how to cast a show!! :)  My biggest challenge will be to maintain my rather "square" and rather non-humorous demeanor throughout some very, very funny lines.  I tried maintaining that a bit during the read through, and though I was busting inside at many spots because some of my lines--as well as many of yours--are ridiculously funny!  So if you don't see me laughing, press an ear to my paunch and listen closely!  (That's "paunch" not "Panch.")

Well, I've got plenty to do right now.  I shot some video as well as some stills and I'm going to check them out now and put them up somehow.  And I've got the schedule to scan and... well, lots of things I haven't even thought of yet.

You won't see me next week at all.  I'm involved in "A Tuna Christmas" up in Dover and that show opens its three weekend run next Friday night, so tomorrow starts tech week there. (I'm not in the cast, but I've been assisting at rehearsals and I'll be backstage for the run.  If you're familiar with the "Tuna" series you know that the show is built on a small cast making many, many, many quick changes throughout the show and so backstage will be a very busy place.)  But come Monday, December 6, I'm yours for eternity.  Or at least until February!

Alright, two sandwiches inhaled, a couple of squares of stuffing downed, and I'm ready to get creative.  Check back! -JPZ 


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