The Monster Evolves : Ramblings of a Frustrated Vice Principal

The Monster Evolves

by John Zinzi on 11/30/10

The "monster" in this case is this website.  I spent a nice chunk of time yesterday adding and tweaking and changing and doing and redoing the pages.

You may have noticed, but if not, check out the REHEARSAL SCHEDULE page.  I've taken the static, dry, monotone printed schedule and added some color and some fun elements to make our countdown a bit more...interesting.  And the schedule page, too, will be ever evolving.

I've also started the PICS & VIDS page where you'll find a chronological record of all photos and videos that I'll be taking throughout our time together.  It'll be even more fun to look back on once the BEE is over.  You'll see!

And before I forget... if you know of any birthdays that I've missed for our calendar, please let me know (  I include just the cast and crew for this, so while we can all celebrate your great-uncle's birthday if you wish, he's not making the calendar unless he's with the show!

Finally... look out for "Easter Eggs" that may turn up anywhere on the site.  If you spot one, click on it!  --JPZ

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