Sex Sells
by John Zinzi on 12/16/10
RE: The great acouSHE / acouCHEE debate. I must admit, my head was NOT where it might otherwise have been on this one! My idea of a "cootchie" was more innocently (read: OLD) along the lines of what you say to a baby when you tickle its belly: "Cootchie cootchie coo...". SILLY ME!! <<Red-faced duh!>>
Well, for the record, I'm having a great laugh over the whole thing. The proper pronunciation of the word is indeed the softer "SHE," but for the joke to work it, of course, must be "CHEE." And it sure will be. You'll see. I may not know every sexual euphemism--although I know my share--but I do know funny!
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