And so we begin... : Ramblings of a Frustrated Vice Principal

And so we begin...

by John Zinzi on 11/10/10

I will keep a blog on this page to record our journey--through my eyes--from read-through to set strike.  Entries may range anywhere from several a day to once every few days, depending on what's happening.  Even though everything else on the site may change, there's one thing you can count on:  the blog will always be right here on this page.  Here we go!!  JPZ

Comments (1)

1. Jim said on 11/12/10 - 12:10AM
So, we all know about the talented cast we have. But the rest of our directorial staff is beginning to take shape with the likes of Mike Williams, Mary Boucher, Jim Debastiani, Michael Phillips, Louise Hartzell. I am very excited about this group becoming a part of this show. Looks like Sunday morning will be our read thru. I will probably start at 9:30, but I have one more response due and then I will send John the notice, it looks like ALL cast will be able to be there! Sounds like a great start. Please keep me posted on any schedule changes you encounter which might affect your availability. THE FUN BEGINS!!!!!

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