At the Read Through - 11/28/10 What are all these people looking at, anyway?!
Candy Canes! - 12/02/10 Real Theater People can smile and strike a pose instantly!
It's Santa! - 12/15/10 Or is that a ketchup bottle???
Christmas Angels - 12/15/10 Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Rehearsal Snips - 12/30/10 The last rehearsal of the year!
The Opening Number - 01/02/11 The first rehearsal of the year!
The I Love You Song - 01/04/11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woe Is Me - 01/04/11 Dear Abby...
I Speak Six Languages - 01/13/11 Not to mention rifle twirling!
Hail to Thee, Old P.M.S... and to our Pre-Show Team:
DIANE COUNTS (M) and her assistants COLBY LUZIER (P) and SUZY MESSICK (S)